Tuesday, July 31, 2012

veggie soup

homemade soup with barley.  for breakfast?  I say yes!

yesterday was a cooking day, and I mostly made meatless fare but with grains for protein.  high protein pasta with cilantro, sun dried tomatoes, feta, garlic.  farro salad with onion, tomato, green onion, and balsamic.   everything turned out good!  now to see if kids will eat anything other than soup.

Monday, July 30, 2012

bobby's fleet

just one of his two car cases...and he has quite a monster truck collection now from the beach.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

another generation

looks like our fish had babies while we were on vacation!  we discovered.this fact only as we were started cleaning out the tank.  there are currently 8 surviving babies.  we separated the adults out, but had to put one of the babies in the adult bowl.  hope it survives.

playdate at gilroy gardens!

the entire family had a great time with the Djurovics, our across the street neighbors.  they have a four year old girl named mila, and theron is three.  the kids get along great.  michael, the dad, is also a cpa, played the sax in high school and married a slightly older asian lady.  hm...twilight zone!

Friday, July 27, 2012

tough guy

what with his horse and his overturned monster truck and his no shirt wearin and guitar playin

Thursday, July 26, 2012

back at berryessa creek park

say meatball poo...

budding artists

we put the easel on the patio yesterday and both kids loved painting.  since we are on east coast time, we are out here at 8am this morning.  gotta keep em busy!  look at nylas lovely flowers and bobbys monster truck painting! 

nyla starts intro to elementary school two week course in a couple of weeks, and bobby starts part time preschool in a month.  before we know it they will both be in school so we are planning to enjoy these next few weeks together!

the way home

sadly, we left the beach and made our way to the airport in norfolk.  to try and keep it fun we stopped to look at monster trucks.  then took a short shuttle ride from car rental to terminals.  kids were great on flights.  its like they are seasoned travelers already!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

more fun vaca pics

cape hatteras lighthouse

the whole family went on an adventure to the lighthouse.  after that we took a ferry to ocrakoke island where we ate lunch at howards pub, looked at wild ponies, and collected shells on a beach. kiddies were kind of cranky having gotten up early but they pushed through and had fun.

mommy and daddy get date night

view from my barstool of sunkissed daddy.  view from fisheads bar on the pier by our beach house.  fun night.  thanks to bubbie and gparents for babysitting.

kids getting relaxed

obx lulling us into vaca pace